Monday, September 29, 2008

I am joining the techno-revolution and have a blog. This does not mean I am rendering my pen and paper, or that I will no longer answer my land line, it just means I am accepting the wave of movement to become air born. I'm scared. I need my parachute of roller-ball point pens and number two pencils with lots of eraser left. If you are reading this, it means one of two things; A) you are a relative of mine and I told you where to find my ramblings, or 2) you have stumbled across my blog via misspelling and have no idea who I am and what I have to do with stilts. Actually, even if you know me, you still probably have no idea what I have to do with stilts...
Here's a little clue, I do not belong to Ringling Brothers nor am I a trapeze artist.


Rina said...

Life is a great balancing act! -Am I close??
Welcome to the world of technology & emoticons= I'm going to help you out because I learned the hard way.
:-) or =) or :) means a smile
; ) this is a wink
:( frown etc, etc, etc.


E Allen said...

Yes, I am going to comment on the comment I received. This at one time was called "banter" or aka "a conversation". Look how I am slowly translating cyberspace! Yahoo! Or rather, ;)-pardon me. I like that when pondering why I am a girl on stilts, you think of a deep philosophical reason, when in fact it is the most common of reasons, I wear sky-scrapper high heels. Thanks for thinking the best of me.