Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sick of Summer Vacationing

I have had a wonderful summer. I admit it.
My family and I have been going and traveling since April. I should feel grateful. Instead I feel like I want to take a break from Summer Vacation.
I don't want to go anywhere or visit anyone.
It's not that I hate people.In fact the opposite is true. I love my family, immediate and extended. I love my friends, too. It isn't that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed the places we have vacationed to either.
It comes down to, when is enough, enough?
I'm tired. I want to be at home.
I want to watch my kids run through the sprinklers in the back yard and then go to lunch in my own kitchen.
I miss having a mundane schedule.I crave not having to account to anyone but ourselves.
I heard the most outlandish idea, instead of a "Vacation", to save money you have a "Stay-cation". I can only imagine all the work that would go into trying to make a memorable event out of every day life, and I bet it would cost you double.
I don't begrudge going on a good ol' fashioned holiday, I'm just tired and want to stay home for a while.

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