Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pennies For Thought

I just read a story and I couldn't help but think of my childhood. I know I say a lot of negative about my up bringing but I do have a few invaluable experiences from those tough times that have completely shaped me. I remember my Mom crying because someone had left some money for her in our mail box right before Christmas. I don't know how much it was but I believe it was substantial. Sometimes food was left on our door step, like a whole roasted chicken and potatoes, and we never knew who left it and they probably didn't know how much we appreciated it.
I didn't realize until I was an older teenager how poor we were. I just remember thinking that our family was loved. People always wanted to give us stuff. "Give" is the operative word, I don't think it was forced or a "had" to. From these experiences, I have learned empathy and love towards all people. Holidays might have been a drain for my parents or even harsh, but they never let us feel it. Instead we learned how to make things from practically nothing and how to be charitable towards our neighbors. I absolutely love the Holidays. There is an electricity in the air and a feeling of "What can I do for you?" I am forever grateful to my parents for never letting me realize how hard times were, for always looking for opportunities to help others and for making Thanksgiving and Christmas a magical time of year.
I just wanted to publish this thought.

1 comment:

Rina said...

I have several thoughts I will chat with you later about.